
I appreciate your support in all shapes and forms!

Although one of my childhood nicknames was in fact, “Jilly Rae Cyrus,” I actually am not a major label artist. (I know, right?!) Instead, I operate on a smaller, independent scale. Kind of like your favorite little Mom & Pop shop. Your contribution allows me to focus on creating music to pay the bills and keep this well oiled Jillian-Rae-machine moving forward… and for that I am eternally grateful. Thank you!

To make a one-time financial contribution:


To make a social media contribution:

There’s no better way to spread the love than by sharing your favorite music with friends! A little ‘word of mouth’ goes a long way in the indie music world, so sharing my music + social media pages + website info is a much appreciated way of contributing to the ole Jillian-Rae-machine.

Subscribe on YouTube: jillianraeviolin
Listen on Spotify: Jillian Rae
Listen on Apple Music: Jillian Rae
Follow on Instagram: @jraemusic
Like on Facebook: @jraemusic
Follow on Twitter: @jraemusic
Visit this website:

To make a radio request contribution:

If you’re like me, you love and support your local radio stations. (There’s nothing like hearing your favorite DJ’s voice guide you through your drive or morning email session.) If you’d like to hear my songs spun on the radio waves, please make a request and let the good times roll.


To buy merch, click below: